The Photo of Valencia is, together with the triumph of Juanma Moreno almost a year ago, the greatest achievement of Alberto Núñez Feijóo since he disembarked in Genoa. Bringing José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy together on the same stage eleven years later strengthened the leader of the Popular Party in the face of the complex electoral year that was starting at that time. All under a loyal commitment: both former presidents were “at the disposal” of Feijóo. “Wherever you want and whenever you want,” they told him privately that night in early February. “If you call us, let’s go.”

That “when” and that “where” have already arrived. Genoa kept the participation of Aznar and Rajoy in the campaign towards 28-M as a reserved, decisive ace. And the calendar is already specified: the ex-presidents will go to strategic points of the national geography to reinforce the mighty expectation of the popular ones. They will do it separately and with special emphasis, as EL MUNDO already reported, in Castilla-La Mancha, where yesterday Rajoy was already in three municipalities -Albacete, Almansa and Caudete- and Aznar will travel to Cuenca on the 19th. Paco’s PP Núñez seeks to unseat Page with the largest possible margin over the PSOE and also over Vox, which would mean a historic victory prior to the generals at the end of this year.

As it would also be to overthrow the socialist baron closest to Pedro Sánchez, Ximo Puig, in the Valencian Community. This Saturday Aznar will be in Orihuela (Alicante), while Rajoy will travel to Castellón on Monday, May 8.

They bet against Puig and Page; both will accompany Ayuso and Almeida

The third strategic point, despite not going to the regional polls, is Andalusia, where the PP plans to expand its ramification at the local level. To do this, both Rajoy and Aznar will visit certain municipalities on several occasions in the final stretch of the campaign. The first will be in Marbella (Málaga) on May 21 and in Roquetas de Mar (Almería) on the 25th, and the second will also go to Malaga on the 25th, although popular sources warn that it will not be a campaign act, but that Aznar will attend an act in the Círculo de Empresarios of this city.

In addition, both will cover the mayor and the regional president in Madrid, a popular stronghold, in their attempt to renew their mandate. José Luis Martínez-Almeida will have Rajoy tomorrow and Aznar on May 17; Ayuso will have Rajoy on May 20, the last weekend of the campaign, and Aznar two days later. Other territories in which Aznar will be present are Murcia -on Friday- and Bilbao -on the 23rd-; Rajoy will do the same in Galicia -on the 13th in Pontevedra and in Santiago on the 14th-, as well as in Salamanca -on the 18th-, after having been on a mini-tour around the island of La Palma -in Los Llanos and Santa Cruz de la Palma- last weekend.

The PSOE does not clarify if González and Zapatero will go to campaign

Genoa will announce today the main lines of the campaign and the calendar of its great assets in the party leadership. Sources from the top advance that Aznar, Rajoy and Feijóo will not coincide in any act in order to respond to the high demand for the territories and achieve a dispersion effect that allows for a very intense agenda, which in the case of Feijóo will have up to three acts in the same day. “Better to be in many places than concentrated in all of them”, explain voices from the organization in conversation with this newspaper. In any case, these same sources explain that the “objective” today is for Feijóo “to pass through all the territories before 28-M.”

A presence that in Genoa they believe contrasts with the distance that has separated Pedro Sánchez from his territorial leaders in the last month. The sit-in of the barons to the President of the Government a few weeks ago in the Valencia congress was understood as a message of independence by the regions against the road map of La Moncloa. Sánchez, who was in Malaga yesterday, will be in Barcelona tomorrow and the rest of the week he will travel to Alicante, Murcia, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Sources from Ferraz do not advance any more appointments on the president’s calendar, but they assure that there will undoubtedly be more events as the race to the polls progresses. In the same way, from the PSOE it is not specified if, as the PP has already done, the former presidents Felipe González or José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will participate actively in the 28-M campaign.

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