The outgoing president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, decided to postpone the visit he planned to make next week to Pope Francis, which will take place once he is installed in Spain after completing his mandate, official sources confirmed this Saturday.

The sources consulted explained that Fernández made this determination because “he must continue with the tasks that the transition demands” with a view to the investiture of the libertarian Javier Milei as the new head of state of Argentina on December 10.

“The visit to the Supreme Pontiff will be rescheduled for when he is already installed in Spain after leaving the Government on December 10,” the sources added.

In an interview published this Saturday by the Spanish newspaper El País, Fernández said that he has “some proposals” to move to Spain and teach classes there.

“It seems to me that it is good for him to distance himself. Felipe González said that former presidents are Chinese vases, because we are valuable but they don’t know where to go. We must allow those who arrive to work without having what one had from day one, which was the permanent harassment of not letting us do what we did,” said the Peronist president.

Fernández, 64 years old and who during his term did not stop teaching Criminal Law classes at the University of Buenos Aires, had announced last Thursday that he would travel to Rome next week to hold an audience with Pope Francis in the Vatican.