It is amazing. Because there are actually ways to find for many that is not easy in the year 2020, passable to. “2019 was the worst year since I’ve been on the planet,” says the artist Rudi Weiss Beck. A close friend had died of a drug overdose, his father got cancer, in addition, his grandfather had died. The past year has cost him strength: “It was hard for me to make art.” 2020 feels white Beck, therefore, as an improvement: “Because it can’t be as bad as last year.”

Meanwhile, his father survived the cancer, and white, Beck has caught up again: “I pay more attention to me.” The 1986-born artist warns already in the stairwell of the Frankfurter Studio house “the Basis”, his Studio was quite small. The room on the fourth floor is really cramped right, and he seems to be temporarily set up, as a move was in the offing in the near future. The small work-table seems to be improvised. In a corner of the air cushion foil is piled. The eye is also acrylic paint tubes, Sprühfarbdosen, containers with Crayons and felt-tip pens, as well as some empty “Club-Mate”-type bottles. “It is a workshop for me,” asserted white Beck. He would come daily in the afternoon to the Studio and do not stay long: “I try to keep it short, qualitative hours.”

“I didn’t want Pathos,”

The artist is wearing a black painter’s smock. He shows presence of mind and good sense of humour. In the next moment he can be serious, too. On the work table he made of dozens of small color prints. You show shoes in a number of constellations and arrangements. Again and again, the job of a shoemaker is to be seen. His grandfather was a shoemaker and Amateur photographer, told white Beck. He had documented his work in photographs. With these recordings, he didn’t want to work long artistically, says Beck. “I wanted to paint after all the bad time in any case,” he added. In dealing with the death of his grandfather he was an important: “I wanted to no Pathos.”

white Beck shows some of the images on foam boards, which have arisen since the beginning of may. Your abstract-geometric painterly primer go back, he says, on the carpet pattern and in the former Soviet Union, widespread custom, carpets and rugs as Wall decoration to hang up. He come from a originally Swabian, Russia, the German minority explains white Beck. His family came from Georgia, he was born in Moldova and at the age of five came to Germany. In addition to abstract carpet pattern quotes foam sheet images are Hard to see even in pairs glued-on Shoe photographs from the grandfather’s estate. White Beck has also applied some of the mystery of grace the end of the graphic form elements. Some forms of days book to be like, he says, and points to a section of the picture, the pills shows, the had to take his father during chemotherapy.

No immediately recognizable artistic handwriting

Also available in fabric or leather scraps from the workshop of his grandfather found as concrete objects input in the Work. The images prove to be stubborn mixed beings, the refuse of a unique position in popular discourses. You are somewhere in the border area between photography and painting. White Beck wants to the media, by definition, delimitation, and mix. His works he referred to as “objects of reflection”. Against an immediately recognisable artistic handwriting he had fought back always, emphasized white Beck. Be uncomfortable Credo: “I tried to talk to me from one work to the next resistance.” He presents himself as an intellectually ambitious artist who is not able to overcome, in spite of its ability to the irony is the Verkopfte always.

white Beck’s affinity to the theory of reading goes back to the studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach. “It has to fit with the HfG and me,” he says, looking back. White Beck graduated from the scientific part of his thesis, the philosopher Juliane Rebentisch. His artistic training he received when Martin Liebscher and Gunter Reski. “More photography than painting,” says white Beck summarizes his imprint on the HRA. “After graduating I wanted to move me to the straight photography,” he recalls.

For his further artistic development Frankfurt appeared to him as a suitable place. White Beck praises the regional art scene: “It happens to lots of cool stuff.” It is not so much as in other cities, the offerings in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region were all the more high-quality. At first, he had to fight in order that the scene was very influenced by the städel school. “You notice that it’s a Club,” he says. This also applies to the HRA.