The recently adopted third edition package of the Italian government to support the economy and to compensate for Income losses leads to discussions about the Use of the many spending programmes for Italy’s long-term growth. The long-time editor-in-chief of Italy’s most important newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, Ferruccio de Bortoli commented on Sunday: “We must not indulge the illusion that it is possible to live for a long time of benefits, for individual groups, and subsidies.” Italy’s politicians behaved at present, as there would be money to Spend in Abundance. It was now less attentive to the avoidance of waste.

Tobias Piller

economic correspondent for Italy and Greece, with seat in Rome.

F. A. Z.

The Economics Professor Renato Brunetta, former Minister and Chairman of Silvio Berlusconi’s party “Forza Italia”, accuses the government in a newspaper interview, they buy votes with their spending programmes, only voters: “As the government has seen that the width of the distribution of support programmes and short-time working rates of money of the first edition of the programme an enormous effect on the Approval of the government, such a policy was continued. The choice of tactics.“

The Italian Treasury and Finance Minister Roberto Gualtieri of the center-left-oriented Democrats defended the government’s policy as anti-cyclical. Expenditure, particularly taken in sectors such as culture, tourism and Restaurants supported the long-term economic development, as well as the reduction of social security contributions in the Mezzogiorno. Gualtieri announced a broad-based reduction in income tax.

lay-offs are prohibited

on Friday evening by the Italian Council of Ministers approved the support programme for the Italian economy has a volume of 25 billion Euro. The sum of the three Italian edition programs increased to more than 100 billion euros. It is planned to prolong the expanded short-time working money for a further 18 weeks. In the South of Italy, the company will have to pay from October, only 70 percent of the pension contributions for their employees. This action supports the government’s employment in the South. For the time being, the contribution reduction is planned only for three months. The idea behind this is that, from 2021 to 2026, the annual required 5 billion euros from the European integration Fund.