Offenburg (dpa / lsw) – A group of around 40 people is said to have sprayed slogans and symbols on the outside wall of the prison in Offenburg. According to security sources, the symbols hammer and sickle were applied to the wall and firecrackers were also set off. The alleged perpetrators should come from the left scene. The police did not officially provide any information about the motive and content of the sprayed slogans. The perpetrators are said to have been masked on Thursday night and waved flags.

After the perpetrators fled in several cars, they were caught by the police on Bundesstraße 33. The officers confiscated spray cans and masking material. The main road was closed in one direction for four hours during the police operation. Other forces from the police headquarters in Freiburg and Constance and the federal police supported the action.

The perpetrators were released after the measures were completed. The police have now initiated investigations into breach of the peace, damage to property and violation of the assembly law.