Tübingen (dpa / lsw) – Because she is said to have killed her mother with an iron bar, a 48-year-old woman has to answer on Friday (9:00 a.m.) before the regional court in Tübingen. The prosecution accuses her of murder. The woman is said to have tried to suffocate her sleeping mother with a pillow in October last year. When she woke up and fought back, her daughter is said to have fatally injured her with an iron bar.

According to the public prosecutor, the reason for this is that she debited money from her mother’s account for months – a total of more than 17,000 euros. The mother should have figured that out. The woman is said to have feared for her inheritance and criminal consequences and feared being thrown out of the house by her mother. The defendant lived in her mother’s house. A total of seven days of negotiations are scheduled.