Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – Bosch, Trumpf and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) want to develop a quantum sensor that can precisely align mini satellites in the future and thus enable very fast data transmission. This was announced by the companies and the participating Ferdinand Braun Institute on Friday in Stuttgart.

The first satellites could be launched into space in five years. The special sensors could not only be used in spacecraft, but also in automated driving or navigation in factories and logistics halls. The project is funded with around 28 million euros. Two thirds of the funds come from the federal government.

Quantum technology is considered a technology of the future. The managing director of the Trump subsidiary Q.ant, Michael Förtsch, said that the use of the technology in the aerospace industry was a huge opportunity for Germany. In order to ensure reliable transmission of the signals from the satellites, they must be precisely aligned. Changing position weakens communication signals.

With the help of quantum technology, long-term measurement stability should be guaranteed. The technology group Bosch is developing the space-compatible measuring cell for the sensor. It is the heart, said Bosch research director Thomas Kropf. According to the announcement, DLR is responsible for all space-related aspects.