For almost six decades, the CDU parliamentary group in the southwest was spoiled for success. Then the Green Kretschmann came to power and the Union found itself in opposition. Although the CDU has long since been allowed to participate in government again, it is also looking to the very top.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The Baden-Württemberg CDU parliamentary group is celebrating its 70th birthday and is organizing a family reunion to mark the occasion. Former Prime Ministers Erwin Teufel (83), Günther Oettinger (68) and Stefan Mappus (56) are also expected to attend the festival on Thursday in the state parliament in Stuttgart. Hundreds of guests are also expected, including around 50 chairmen and presidents of associations and associations from business, culture and society.

It is a real rarity that Teufel, Oettinger and Mappus come together, because in this constellation they hardly speak to each other, let alone meet. Since Oettinger succeeded the then head of government Teufel in 2005, there has been a rift in the south-west CDU. The young CDU faction leader Manuel Hagel is clearly trying to fill in the trenches. He had brought the three together in June for a party party.

At that time, Hagel (34), who is being considered the top candidate for the next state election, declared that the CDU only had a good chance of replacing the green coalition partner as the strongest force in elections if they showed unity. The CDU lost power in 2011 under Mappus after 58 years of CDU dominance in Baden-Württemberg: The Green Winfried Kretschmann became prime minister. Since then, Mappus has had a difficult time in the CDU because of its legally controversial buyback of parts of the energy group EnBW.