Baden-Baden (dpa/lsw) – The Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BWIHK) has a new president. A spokesman for the German Press Agency in Stuttgart announced that the general meeting elected Christian Erbe on Tuesday in Baden-Baden. Erbe was previously BWIHK Vice and President of the Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce. He succeeds the entrepreneur Wolfgang Grenke, who gave up the position after six years in accordance with the statutes. In Marjoke Breuning, the President of the IHK Region Stuttgart and the Ulm IHK President Jan Stefan Roell were re-elected to the Executive Board. Thomas Conrady, President of the IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee, is new.

“The economy in the southwest continues to go through difficult times,” said Erbe, according to the announcement. He wants to “fight and exert tireless pressure” to ensure that political measures take effect in practice as quickly as possible, “before the economic structure suffers even greater damage”. Every political agent must be aware of the drama of the situation.