Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has warned against a return to high school in nine years, for example in Bavaria. All parents and teachers who support the G9 with a referendum should carefully consider whether they want to go into “reverse gear”. “I would advise against it,” said the Green on Tuesday in Stuttgart. “I am a very clear supporter of G8.” He had already found it difficult to extend the model tests with both trains at 43 general secondary schools. Scientific studies have shown that neither the leisure time behavior nor the results of the G8 students justify this criticism. It’s more about “sticking to the familiar”.

The head of government pointed out that the path to the Abitur in eight years is an international standard. He acknowledged that the reform was introduced “very abruptly” in the early 2000s. Not much was changed in the educational plans at first, so that the students were supposed to master the same material in eight years. “That was a serious weaving error.” But that has since changed. The parents’ initiative “G9 now” started collecting signatures for a popular motion for a return to nine-year high school on Saturday.

Kretschmann said a return to G9 would require an additional 1,000 to 2,000 teaching positions. “Then it goes back to high school,” warned the Green. Other types of schools should be given priority. For example, the poor results of fourth graders in the IQB study showed that primary schools need to be strengthened. In principle, he was against extending the training periods again. The saying, “What Hans doesn’t learn, Hans never learns again” should be “put in the dustbin”. People have to get used to repeatedly incorporating further training phases in the course of their lives because the world of work is changing dramatically.