Pittsburgh (dpa / lsw) – Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has warned in emphatic terms of a decline in trust in democracy in Europe and in the USA. “Our liberal democracies are in trouble again,” said Kretschmann on Monday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Green politician warned of “populists and those who despise democracy, who only have cheap slogans and empty promises, who stir up fears and do not shy away from lies and divide society”. This destroys trust in democratic institutions and processes. In addition, democracy is threatened from outside, said the prime minister, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Democracy can never be taken for granted, but must be defended, said the head of government. He called for an efficient state and strong democratic leadership. But even the best democratic government needs people who share common values ​​and defend the rules of the game.

Kretschmann is in the USA this week with a delegation of more than 100 people. There he wants to establish contacts for the Southwest in Pittsburgh and California.