Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The police shot a drunk 25-year-old man in the thigh after he attacked an officer with a knife. According to the police on Wednesday, his state of health is stable and there is no danger to life. The officers involved in the incident on Sunday in the area of ​​a restaurant in Berkheim (Biberach district) were unharmed.

According to the announcement, the 25-year-old man works as a cook in the restaurant. He had drunk large quantities of alcohol that evening. When he wanted to drive away, an employee refused to give him the car key. The man pulled out a knife, whereupon the employee handed him the bowl. He drove away, but returned a short time later. When he tried to drive away again, two guests tried to stop him. The 25-year-old was not to be dissuaded from his plan and rammed a car while driving away.

When a police patrol arrived, the 25-year-old walked towards the passenger side of the patrol car with a knife in his hand. He damaged the side mirror and the side window. The police got out of the car and sprayed them with pepper spray. The 25-year-old continued to attack an officer with a knife. Then the shot fell.

The Ravensburg public prosecutor ordered the provisional arrest of the man. The 25-year-old man is being investigated for, among other things, coercion and attempted assault. The Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office took over the investigation into the use of firearms by the police.