Offenbach (dpa / lsw) – October 2022 is a record month in Baden-Württemberg: According to previous data from the German Weather Service (DWD), it has not been that warm in the southwest since recording began. According to the current status, the meteorologists assume an average value of 13.2 degrees for the state. “The October temperature record from 2001 was thus clearly surpassed by 0.9 degrees,” said the DWD in Offenbach on Monday. Nationwide, Baden-Württemberg was the second warmest region in Germany this October. The average temperature is 4.5 degrees above the value of the international reference period from 1961 to 1990 (8.7 degrees).
At the end of the month, October really unpacked again: The highest temperatures of this month were measured last Friday with a summery 28.7 degrees in Müllheim near Freiburg. The sun appeared nationwide for an average of 130 hours (117 hours). On the eastern edge of the Swabian Alb, it shone the least in Germany with locally less than 110 hours of sunshine. However, it often rained: almost 85 liters per square meter (68 liters/sqm) were measured in Baden-Württemberg, and it was only wetter in Saarland.
The national average, the meteorologists are assuming a temperature of 12.5 degrees for October, which corresponds to the record value from 2001. Since it is about tenths of a degree, it is still open whether the previous October peak value will perhaps even be exceeded it at the DWD on Monday in Offenbach.
In Germany, temperatures and precipitation have been continuously recorded since 1881.