There should be no merger: the government has close cooperation in mind as a promising concept for the two university hospitals in Mannheim and Heidelberg. There are several reasons for this. However, it will probably be a while before there are concrete plans for implementation.

Mannheim (dpa/lsw) – From the point of view of the Ministry of Science, a detailed implementation concept for the planned network of university hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim can be expected in the first half of next year at the earliest. Minister Theresia Bauer (Greens) responded to a request from the FDP in the state parliament.

In the letter that has now been published, Bauer emphasizes that the key points developed with the Ministries of Finance and Health “are committed to securing the university medical center Mannheim in the long term and thus – in addition to care – to the promotion and further development of research, teaching and transfer in Mannheim”. A very extensive financial contribution from the city is indispensable for the success. “The corresponding talks with the city of Mannheim will be taken up promptly.”

The University Hospital Mannheim belongs to the University of Heidelberg, not to the University of Mannheim. The background to this is a development from the 1960s, when city clinics were also included in the training of young doctors due to a lack of space. The city is the responsible body, not the state as in the case of the Heidelberg faculty.

In order to be able to maintain and further develop university teaching and research at the Mannheim location, the continued operation of an independent university hospital is necessary, writes Bauer. In the event of a merger with Heidelberg, medical study places would have to be reduced. In addition, the eligibility of the new clinic “Neue Mitte” in Mannheim would be at risk. Therefore, the retention of two separate houses seems imperative. This does not rule out the possibility that the state will later take over the sponsorship of the Mannheim University Hospital. “But there is no automatism.”

The network solution also offers great opportunities, explained Bauer. A clear scientific added value is expected, for example, from the integration of the network into the “Heidelberg-Mannheim Health and Life Science” research alliance. The two medical faculties should intensify their cooperation and develop concrete concepts leading to a merger. The reply goes on to say: “The ministries encourage the development of a sustainable health care concept for Mannheim as a medical location, which takes into account the conditions in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and includes the Heidelberg location and the neighboring districts, including those of the neighboring federal states. “