They kept their son away from school for a year, citing, among other things, the alleged danger of “compulsory vaccination” there. According to a court, this is a serious threat to the well-being of the child.

Karlsruhe (dpa / lsw) – Parents who do not want to send their children to school must expect the partial withdrawal of custody. This was decided by the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Karlsruhe in a published decision.

The case concerned an elementary school student from the Offenburg area who had been enrolled in the first grade but did not appear once throughout the school year until the summer of 2022.

According to the information, the parents initially justified this with reference to the obligation to test and wear masks in school and the alleged danger of “compulsory vaccination” there. Even after the end of the school-related corona measures, they refused to send the seven-year-old to school. When the Offenburg family court obliged them to enable the child to attend school, the parents lodged a complaint with the Higher Regional Court.

The judges at the responsible Higher Regional Court Senate based in Freiburg have now tightened the decision of the lower court. Due to the significant endangerment of the child’s well-being, the parents’ custody and right of residence in relation to school matters will be withdrawn for the time being. The decision cannot be appealed. (Ref.: 5 UFH 3/22)