Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – From the point of view of the Ministry of the Interior, emergency meeting points should ensure nationwide care for the population throughout the country in the event of a crisis. On Wednesday, the state published a corresponding framework recommendation for the planning and operation of emergency meeting points for the municipalities. “Whether it’s the war in Ukraine, a cyber attack or a hot summer with extremely low water: we are vulnerable and therefore have to prepare as best we can for critical situations,” said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU). Measures would have to be taken to deal with the consequences of a longer-lasting, local or large-scale power failure.

In the emergency meeting points, affected citizens should find protection, receive first aid or information on the situation, and be supplied with water and food. “Local emergency meeting points are an important municipal approach to protecting the population in an emergency,” explained Strobl. In addition to information on the planning and operation of such meeting points, the framework recommendation also includes a unique set of equipment for municipalities – this includes, for example, an emergency power supply and first-aid emergency kits.