Grupo Bankinter achieved a net profit of 1,250.6 million euros during the first nine months of this year, which includes the surplus value generated by the output operation to the direct line bag, at the end of April, which was 895.7
Millions after taxes.

Excluding this surplus value, the recurrent benefit of the group would be at 354.9 million euros, 61.3% higher than the third quarter of 2020, and includes the four months of income generated by direct line while on the perimeter of the bank

This benefit is compared with the 220.1 million of the same period of 2020 and with 444 million of the same period of 2019, although the latter contain an extraordinary point of 57 million from the EVO Bank acquisition operation.

Bankinter has highlighted that it concludes the third quarter of this year with an activity in the customer business that maintains the good tone of the exercise, aroused by an economic environment that is giving signs of frank recovery, which has reflection in the different balances of the balance
and at the margins of the account, all of which show growth with respect to the same period of 2020.

Attending to the evolution of the main ratios, the profitability on own resources, ROE, excluding direct line surplus value, is 9.4% compared to 7.1% in the third quarter of 2020, period in which the Bank had to
Facing greater extraordinary provisions on the occasion of the pandemic and the change to the worst of the macroeconomic environment.

As regards the capital, Bankinter maintains a CET1 ‘Fully Loaded’ ratio at 12.3%, compared to 11.97% a year ago, and “very superior” in any case at 7.68% required by

As for the mulberry ratio, it is at 2.40%, improving in 11 basis points a year ago, all after the end of mortgage mooring.
Coverage on this delinquency is 62.75%, also superior at 110 basis points a year ago.

With regard to liquidity, Bankinter has a negative commercial GAP, with a ratio of deposits on loans of 106.3%.

The Bank has highlighted that its “optimal” situation in terms of solvency, profitability and asset quality, endorsed by the effort evidence carried out by the European Banking Authority (EBA), in which it resulted as the Spanish Bank with a lower impact on the
Stressed scenario and the third with the least impact on Europe, have allowed the entity to resume its traditional shareholder retribution policy since October 1, with a 50% Pay Out.

Despite a third quarter with the seasonal seasonality of summer, which is always often of less commercial activity, Bankinter has highlighted that it has closed a “brilliant” quarter in all its lines of revenue, which anticipates a year closure “loaded
of good prospects. ”

Thus, the income statement shows growth at all margins, both compared to the same period of 2020, and even compared to 2019. “This reflects, first of all, that the Bank successfully anticipates the path of economic recovery,
And in parallel, that has the diversification and the necessary potential to fulfill its demanding objectives to compensate with the banking business, in an approximate period of three years, the absence of direct line benefits, “the entity has highlighted.

The margin of interest reached 955.1 million euros, 3% higher than the same period of 2020, while the gross margin reflects the higher revenues generated in the period, until reaching a figure of 1,422.9 million euros,
9.8% more and where the commissions have had a special protagonism, by supposing net income for this concept of 443 million euros, which represent 31% of this gross margin.
The growth of this item with respect to the same period of 2020 is 23%.

Regarding the exploitation margin before provisions, it closes the third trimester at 798.7 million euros, 15% above the same period of 2020, and 23% more than two years ago, with operating costs that increase a

Likewise, the group’s total assets reached 102,468.6 million euros at the end of the quarter, 5.8% more than those of the same period of 2020.

Regarding credit investment to clients closes the quarter at 66,047 million euros, 4.3% more.
The growth of investment in Spain was 2.6% compared to a decrease in the 1% sector with data to August of the Bank of Spain.

Retail resources from customers experienced an increase of 10.4%, up to 69,128.6 million euros.
The growth in Spain of these retail resources was 9.7%, compared to sector growth also with data to August of 4.6% BDE.