The President of Asturias, Adrián Barón, assumed his “part of responsibility” on Wednesday for the “collective failure” of not having been able to add the 27 votes needed to reform the status of autonomy that included the officiality of the languages of the
Region and moved the debate to the autonomic elections to be held in 2023. “We are going to see what people prefer,” he said in response to the Vox spokesman at the General Meeting, Ignacio Blanco, who asked him if he has already finished negotiation
That started last September.

“12 years ago in this House four autonomic deputies” who defended this cause and “today we sat 26,” summed up before being directed to “citizens who are frustrated today” to remind them that “there are elections in 2023”.
“In these elections they will take the ballot of those parties that defend the reform of the Statute and, therefore, the official recognition of the languages of Asturias or will take the party ballot such as yours [by VOX] than what will propose, as proposed
In Castilla y León and it is directly that Asturias ceases to exist as a political autonomy. ”

The three parties favorable to the Officiality of the Asturian and the EO-Naviego, PSOE, Left United and we can, have negotiated since last September with the aim of adding the decisive vote of Asturias Forum.
However, the talks began to zoom in when the regionalists conditioned their support for the backup of the left to their fiscal plan, which included the suppression of the succession tax.
From the beginning, IU was reluctant to unite both debates, but being historically more committed to this goal, never wanted to get out of the table.
We can submit a proposal to reduce the taxes that Forum considered to resume the negotiations.
Socialists finally put on the IU side by encouraging the purple, with obvious Sorna, to negotiate their fiscal model with PP, citizens and Vox.
The Minister of Finance, Ana Carcaba, calculated by 35 million the reduction that would be for the public coffers. The proposal of we can.

However, during his intervention Adrián Barón attributed the shipwreck to the PP because “it has been inhibited in any negotiating attitude.”
“The PP in all this has demonstrated a tremendous complex,” argued, and anticipating the pre-election tone, assured: “Or governs the PSOE or governs Vox. You have a drag effect on the PP, which has lost all the political personality that
I should have as a match. ”

For the socialist leader, who has always ruled out a reform of the Basic Autonomic Standard that does not include the Officiality, the dilemma who will face citizens at their next appointment with the urnas will be the following: “Parties that create in the autonomy of Asturias
Or parties like yours [by VOX] that what they want is to end the autonomy of Asturias. ”

Vox spokesman, Ignacio Blanco, took advantage of his replica to barbón to “thank him for the electoral campaign he has made in Castile and León, saying that or governs Vox or governs the PSOE.”