Munich (dpa/lby) – 91 arthouse cinemas in Bavaria are being honored for their film programs and their commitment during the Corona crisis. They will receive bonuses totaling 1.35 million euros, as the FilmFernsehFonds Bayern announced on Tuesday. The top prize of 30,000 euros goes to the Munich City/Atelier cinemas – among other things for a varied art house program.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, cinemas have had to close completely twice and for many months could only remain open under strict conditions. With the awards, the fund recognizes the commitment of cinema operators in 2021.

“Cinema is more than just watching a film – it’s an experience. Many cinemas in Bavaria create this experience in an outstanding way, be it through a special selection of programs or through an extraordinary staging. That was a real challenge, especially during the pandemic”, said the Bavarian Minister of State for Digital Affairs, Judith Gerlach (CSU), according to a statement.

The premium budget comes from subsidies from the shareholders of the FilmFernsehFonds and budget funds from the Bavarian state parliament. The award ceremony will take place on November 18th in Würzburg.