Munich (dpa / lby) – Almost all agricultural land in Bavaria is privately owned. The majority of the owners have less than one hectare of agricultural land, according to a report commissioned by the state government. According to the results, 95 percent of agricultural land in Bavaria is privately owned. Half of the owners are farmers and half are non-farmers.

According to a study by the Thünen Institute, only 0.4 percent of agricultural land changes hands through sale – mainly to local buyers. Non-agricultural companies therefore only own 0.6 percent of the agricultural area. So-called “share deals”, which frequently occur in the eastern German states, therefore play no role in Bavaria, emphasized Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber (CSU) on Sunday.

However, the prices for agricultural land have been rising sharply for years, especially in Bavaria. The Free State is an immigration country and agricultural land is increasingly in demand and used for new residential and industrial areas, infrastructure projects or nature conservation compensatory measures.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the report shows that the public sector and companies often pay the highest land prices. With their demand and purchasing power, they would thus contribute significantly to the price increases in the agricultural land market.