Munich (dpa/lby) – In response to the worsening lack of carbonic acid, Bavaria’s Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger wants to use carbon dioxide (CO2) from cement works as a raw material source for breweries. There are also factories in Bavaria that have so far been emitting hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2 every day through the chimneys as waste products into the air, stressed the Free Voters chief after the cabinet meeting on Monday in Munich.

According to the ministry, Aiwanger is in close contact with Bavarian cement works in order to explore the possibilities of CO2 separation for further use, for example in the beverage industry. There are also pilot projects in which around two tons of carbon dioxide are captured and converted every day.

Because the energy-intensive production of fertilizers, in which carbon dioxide is produced as a by-product, has been restricted, this also has consequences for the availability of carbonic acid: According to estimates by the Federal Association of the German Food Industry, only 30 to 40 percent of the usual CO2 supply quantities are still available. More and more companies in the beverage industry are therefore having to limit their production.