Ingolstadt (dpa / lby) – After the violent death of a young woman in Ingolstadt, the murder weapon remains missing. There is currently no evidence that she is among several knives that were found near where the body was found, a police spokesman said on Wednesday. The “Augsburger Allgemeine” had previously reported on it.

The case is a mystery to the police: in mid-August, a dead woman was found in a 23-year-old’s car. Because she looked confusingly similar to the owner of the car, the family and investigators initially mistaken her for the victim for a few days. However, the autopsy raised doubts about the identity of the dead.

And now the 23-year-old German-Iraqi, who was initially thought to be dead, is now considered an urgent suspect and – like her alleged accomplice, a Kosovar of the same age – is in custody on remand.

As it finally turned out, the dead doppelganger was also a 23-year-old woman from the Heilbronn district. According to the police, the investigations are currently concentrating primarily on the daily routine of the two suspects.