Offenbach (dpa / lby) – According to preliminary statistics, July was warmer than average nationwide – and in Free State it was even hotter: At 19.6 degrees, the average temperature was three degrees above the long-term average. In Regensburg, for example, the maximum values ​​rose to more than 30 degrees on 14 days. There the sun shone for 280 hours in July – 59 hours more than the average, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday in Offenbach based on preliminary data.

On the other hand, it rained very little in many places in Bavaria: an average of just 45 liters per square meter fell. For comparison: The long-term mean of the internationally valid reference period from 1961 to 1990 was 101 liters. Nevertheless, Andechs-Erling, located on Lake Ammersee, was able to record the highest daily rainfall in Germany in July: on July 25, 66.5 liters of water per square meter fell there. And on the Alps and in the southern foothills of the Alps, precipitation totaled more than 100 liters per square meter throughout the month.

In terms of weather, July in Germany differed greatly from its predecessor last year. Instead of thunderstorms and heavy rain, there were heat records in the north and permanent sun in the south. The average temperature nationwide was 19.2 degrees and thus 2.3 degrees above the value of the reference period. “Overall, July 2022 was significantly too warm, significantly too dry and very sunny,” explained the DWD after the preliminary analysis.