Munich (dpa/lby) – The Deutsches Museum in Munich wants to celebrate the reopening of its newly renovated exhibitions from July 8th to 10th – but there is still a lot to do until then. From nuclear physics to energy and aviation to space travel or robotics – everyone was still working on Wednesday. A hard piece of work, but: “We are hopeful that we can do it,” said the head of museum operations, Dagmar Klauer.

The premises are the first part of the general renovation, which will be completed after years of work. The rest of the building, including exhibitions, is to be modernized by 2028. A mammoth project that, after several cost increases and delays, should cost around 750 million euros as things stand.

In the course of the renovation of the museum, which opened in 1925, the exhibitions were also revised. Visitors can expect, for example, humanoid robots that they can control themselves, a chemistry visitor laboratory or an experimental workshop. The children’s kingdom should also open again. A lot has been digitized. In addition to media stations, there is also a digital guide that offers in-depth information, audio tracks, films and much more about the exhibits. In addition, everything is also barrier-free, not just the entrances. According to Klauer, there are also special offers for people with visual or hearing impairments.

A free outdoor festival is planned for July 8-10. Online tickets with time slots are available for the museum at the weekend and in the days that follow.