Würzburg (dpa / lby) – The diocese of Würzburg paid almost half a million euros to those affected by sexual abuse last year. This was announced by Bishop Franz Jung on Thursday at the annual press conference of the Diocese of Würzburg. Dealing with sexual abuse is just one of many topics that the diocese is dealing with this year. “The church in the diocese of Würzburg is facing big questions,” says Jung.

For example, the church representatives fear a drastic reduction in staff by 2030. In addition, a new vision of the diocese emphasizes sustainability. A climate protection manager is to develop a strategic climate protection concept for the diocese.

The budget of the diocese seems to have leveled off somewhat after austerity measures in recent years. In December, the diocese had already announced that the budget for the previous year was balanced for the first time since 2017. For 2023, however, the diocese is still planning a deficit of 3.5 million euros. In 2019 there was a record loss of around 40 million euros.

In order to shape itself for the future, the diocese developed a vision last year, on the basis of which concrete goals for daily work are to be created this year. Among other things, the vision emphasizes community with other denominations and religions as well as sustainability and social responsibility.