Nuremberg (dpa/lby) – On its way out of the crisis in the 2nd Bundesliga, 1. FC Nuremberg is relying on the experience and calm of its new coach Markus Weinzierl. “It was clear to us that we were in a situation where experience counts. Where there has to be a certain composure to bring stability back to the team,” said Nuremberg’s sporting director Dieter Hecking at Weinzierl’s presentation on Tuesday.

Weinzierl is regarded as a profound expert on the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga. After the Lower Bavarian Jahn had led Regensburg into the second division, he established Augsburg in the upper house. Weinzierl was also on the sidelines at FC Schalke and VfB Stuttgart. The Straubinger was Hecking’s absolute dream candidate.

“That was my first and only call. I’m very happy that the first call hit the mark,” said Hecking. “Because it wouldn’t have been good if we talked to three, four, five candidates first and then a lot of time goes by and the team may lose their inner calm even more.”

The goal given by the FCN leadership at the beginning of the season – first to sixth place – Hecking wants to put in the back for the time being. “We have to accept the situation as it is first. I hope that we’ll keep scoring points until the winter break,” said the 58-year-old. Before the eleventh match day, the ambitious Franconians are in 14th place.