Munich (dpa / lby) – Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) considers the observation of the Bavarian AfD by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to be justified. The primary goal is to clarify the question of whether the AfD as a whole party is currently being dominated by an anti-constitutional basic tendency, said Herrmann on Thursday at the presentation of the half-yearly balance of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Munich. It should be clarified “to what extent there are efforts in the AfD as a whole party that are trying to impair or even eliminate the core of the Basic Law,” he explained.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and also individual state authorities already list the AfD as a suspected case. A complaint by the AfD against the classification by the Federal Office was decided in the first instance in favor of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, and the party has appealed. The Thuringian AfD is observed by the local Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a secured right-wing extremist effort. In Bavaria, only the youth organization of the AfD, the “Junge Alternative”, and any follow-up activities of the officially dissolved right-wing “wing” had been observed. Now the Bavarian AfD is also monitored as a party as a whole.