Munich (dpa / lby) – A sunny super summer, no corona rules – but water shortages, lack of staff and skyrocketing prices. The life of the hut keepers could have been more carefree this year than in previous summers, but: “Unfortunately, we had to deal with many other problems,” says Robert Kolbitsch, Head of Huts and Trails at the German Alpine Club.

It has been shown that the water supply of some huts is fragile. The Neue Prager Hütte on the Großvenediger had to close for the rest of the summer season because there was no drinking water. The Hochlandhütte near Mittenwald in Upper Bavaria narrowly escaped temporary closure. “A few rainy days in September saved us,” explained Thomas Geberl, hut consultant for the highland section.

Kolbitsch said that the water shortage must now be countered by developing new sources, using roof water and larger storage tanks. In addition, savings are made on consumption. “Instead of flush toilets, in some huts we will be using dry separating toilets that do not use water. In the near future, fewer and fewer Alpine Club huts will be able to have showers.” Guests are encouraged to save water.

A lack of products and skyrocketing prices mainly affected sections that wanted to renovate huts. In addition, many people left the catering trade during the pandemic. There were now no helpers in the huts, and in some places they had to switch to self-service. Rising food and energy costs also made things difficult for the smelter. In addition, many huts would have to be supplied with expensive helicopter flights.