Gunzenhausen (dpa / lby) – In the case of a 23-year-old found dead in Middle Franconia, an autopsy did not reveal a clear cause of death. The body showed clear signs of violence, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. However, it is unclear whether this came from a third party or whether the man injured himself.

According to previous investigations, the young man is said to have injured a 23-year-old in Gunzenhausen (Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district) with a knife. The two men were involved in an argument early on Saturday morning at the Hafnermarkt, a place in the city center popular with revelers. Railway workers discovered the dead man two and a half hours later next to a track at the Gunzenhausen train station.

A special commission of around 20 is investigating the incident. According to previous knowledge, the injured 23-year-old knew the dead well, said the spokesman. However, there was no suspicion against him. The detectives now want to clarify whether suicide is a possible cause of death. There is also an analysis of possible drug use by the dead.