Four years ago, a hepatitis C scandal at a clinic in Swabia made the headlines. Surgical patients were infected in rows in the hospital. Now the legal processing of this and another spectacular case is imminent.

Augsburg (dpa / lby) – Two of the biggest medical scandals in Bavaria in recent years are expected to be heard at the Augsburg district court in 2023. According to court spokesman Michael Rauh, a hospital doctor who is said to have infected 51 patients with hepatitis C could be on trial from mid-April. At the end of 2018, the case had caused uncertainty among thousands of patients at the clinic in Donauwörth in northern Swabia. From May, the trial against a vaccination-critical family doctor who is said to have given at least 176 patients fake corona vaccinations could also begin.

Both cases resulted in extensive investigations by the public prosecutor’s office, the criminal police and the health department. In particular, the hepatitis scandal drew ever larger circles. Ultimately, more than 1,700 of the accused doctor’s patients were asked to be tested for hepatitis C because it could not be ruled out that the anesthetist had infected them.

According to the indictment, the anesthetist at the Donau-Ries Clinic infected the patients during operations. The doctor, who is himself infected with hepatitis C, is said to have diverted and injected anesthetics because of an illness. He is said to have contaminated the drug and transmitted the disease to the patients.

The health department assumed around 60 cases, and the indictment listed 51 dangerous bodily injuries. The hospital’s insurance company has already made compensation arrangements with those affected.

The criminal division of the regional court is planning the trial with twelve days of hearing from April to mid-July next year. Although the prosecutor’s office has not yet approved charges, in most cases this is only a matter of form. In the case of large procedures in particular, the dates are coordinated with those involved before official approval is given, so that there are no delays later.

The criminal proceedings against the family doctor are in a similar planning stage. The regional court is planning about 20 appointments from the beginning of May to the end of September. According to the indictment, the doctor had only faked the first or second corona vaccinations in more than 300 cases. He is said to have disposed of the vaccine and pricked the patient’s buttocks with empty syringes.

The case became known in October 2021. There were rumors in the region about irregularities in vaccinations at the practice in Wemding. The police also received corresponding anonymous reports. Citizens reported that the doctor attached conspiracy myths.

After further investigations, the family doctor also became a contact point for people who reject immunization but still want a vaccination certificate during the pandemic. The doctor is said to have manipulated entries in the vaccination books for at least 40 such patients.

The doctor is charged with intentional bodily harm, fraud and knowingly incorrect documentation of vaccinations. A temporary professional ban has already been imposed on him. Criminal proceedings were also initiated against a number of patients who are said to have participated in the vaccination manipulations.