Climate protection activists have once again stuck themselves on a street. This time in the middle of Munich, at the Stachus. Munich’s Lord Mayor Reiter is not at a loss for clear words about the action.

Munich (dpa/lby) – A good dozen climate protection activists glued themselves to the roadway of a central street in downtown Munich on Thursday. As a result, there were obstructions in both directions at the Stachus, traffic was diverted, as a police spokesman said. It took more than two hours until most of the around 16 activists stuck to the road could be detached from the road and traffic was moving again, at least in one direction.

The action can be attributed to the climate protest group “Last Generation”, which has drawn attention to itself in numerous cities in Germany in recent weeks – often by activists sticking their hands to the roadway or facades. “In view of the approaching catastrophe, the collective silence is fatal,” the movement commented on the action in Munich.

Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD), on the other hand, said: “Protest must be possible in a democracy, even if it is uncomfortable – but I think the form of protest, blocking entire sections of street, is unbearable and in no way a permissible expression of opinion!” He finds it irresponsible if it is accepted that emergency vehicles, for example, are obstructed. Reiter was referring to an incident in Berlin, where a special vehicle used to rescue a cyclist who had been run over was stuck in a traffic jam due to an action by climate activists.

There have also been numerous similar campaigns by climate protection activists in Munich in the recent past. 15 supporters of the “Scientist Rebellion” group were taken into custody for several days at the weekend after a series of street blockades and tape-tape actions, which not only triggered approval but also criticism. Justice and society could lock people up and silence them, the “Last Generation” now emphasized. “Or we can finally take the situation seriously and initiate the first security measures against the impending climate collapse.”