Munich (dpa / lby) – According to the Munich public utility company (SWM), intelligent electricity meters do not help to save energy. “In pilot tests, these systems are usually unsuccessful because they themselves consume a lot of electricity, which is stupid,” said SWM boss Florian Bieberbach of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Saturday). “In addition, many people react rather unwillingly when they are told to adjust their electricity consumption to the exchange prices.”

In Munich, years ago, attempts were made to control people’s electricity consumption. “The results were sobering. Most people want to wash when their clothes are dirty and cook when they’re hungry.” However, controlled consumption makes sense for heat pumps and electric cars, Bieberbach added.

The SWM boss announced further efforts to expand renewable energy: “From 2025, the municipal utilities want to produce as much green electricity in their own plants as the whole of Munich consumes.” However, it will take longer for the heating market to be independent of fossil sources. “The last gas heater may not be switched off until 2045.”