Munich (dpa / lby) – Museums such as the Pinakothek in Munich reacted to the mashed potatoes attack by climate activists against a painting in Potsdam with clear criticism. “We consider this form of protest inappropriate because it is aimed at images that are effective in the mass media, but not at any solution to the problems that are meant,” said the director general of the Bavarian State Painting Collections, Bernhard Maaz, the German Press Agency. “But we expect activists not only to demand respect for nature, but also to have respect for culture.”

The current development of the actions is a shame for the movement and is causing a growing lack of understanding, says Maaz. Two climate activists threw at the painting “Grainstacks” (1890) by the French impressionist Claude Monet in the Barberini Museum on Sunday.

For museums, this increases the personnel and financial costs for security and restoration. “Caring for works of art and preserving them for posterity is a major, responsible task for museums that preserve cultural human values,” Maaz stated. “That’s why the instrumentalization for other, albeit legitimate interests, which goes hand in hand with endangering art, is not legitimate.”

When it came to security concepts, Maaz kept a low profile, as did a spokeswoman for the Lenbachhaus, which is best known for its Der Blaue Reiter works. The spokeswoman for the Municipal Gallery also emphasized that the museums themselves are striving for sustainability – for example in the areas of cold, heat and electricity as well as mobility. And: “We promote a more conscious use of resources.” Wherever possible, the museum uses ecological and fairly produced products and constantly critically questions the need for new purchases and order quantities.

The Monet painting in Potsdam was not damaged by the attack, but the frame and the wall around the painting were damaged. The amount of damage is said to be in the five-digit range. The museum wants to have claims for damages against the climate activists checked. The police are investigating the two accused of property damage and trespassing.