Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday (June 22) touted in Washington the “new energy” of partnership with the United States while rejecting, in a rare exchange with the press, criticism of his record on rights and freedoms.

In a long statement, which unfolds military, technological and economic projects in 58 points, Joe Biden and his guest claim to have established “the most comprehensive vision to date for the progress of the bilateral relationship”, and write that their “ambitions will reach new heights” in the future.

The American president, anxious to tighten the bond with India to stand up to China, praised during a press conference a bilateral relationship “stronger, closer and more dynamic than ever”.

Very rare, if not unprecedented, for a leader who avoids interactions of this kind, the Hindu nationalist leader responded during this event to an American journalist.

The latter questioned him about the accusations of repression of Muslims and authoritarian drift issued by many associations as well as by the UN.

“No Discrimination”

“In India’s democratic values, there is absolutely no discrimination,” including on the basis of religion, he said. The topic followed Narendra Modi during his address to the US Congress.

“We welcome all the religions of the world and we honor them all”, he still assured in the hemicycle of the House of Representatives. Democratic parliamentarians, yet allies of the president, boycotted his visit, accusing the Modi government of “targeting Muslims and other religious minorities”.

Narendra Modi had, before becoming Prime Minister 9 years ago, been unwanted for years in the United States because of “serious violations of religious freedom”. He was accused of having done nothing, as leader of the state of Gujarat, to contain deadly violence against Muslims.

This time, no more visa problem, but the red carpet and all the pomp of the White House for the Indian Prime Minister, in the name of common strategic interests against the Chinese giant. India is embroiled in a border dispute with China, while Joe Biden seeks to strengthen his position in the all-out rivalry between Washington and Beijing.

The US president, however, assured that he still hoped to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping “soon”, whom he recently categorized as “dictators”, to the chagrin of Beijing.

After a reception with military honors for his arrival, Narendra Modi will be treated to an elegant gala dinner on Thursday evening. The menu, in his honor, will be vegetarian and inspired by Indian cuisine.

Military and space partnerships

The strongest announcement on Thursday is the future manufacturing in India of F-414 engines for fighter jets by conglomerate General Electric.

It is a “founding” partnership, said Narendra Modi, synonymous with significant transfers of American technology. India will also acquire American combat drones.

Joe Biden can only be delighted to see India diversifying its defense equipment, which is historically dependent on Russia in this area, and which has adopted a reserved position vis-à-vis Moscow since the invasion of Ukraine. Narendra Modi, however, called on Thursday, in his joint statement with the American president, to respect “the territorial integrity and sovereignty” of Ukraine.

The visit also deepened the economic and technological relationship, as the United States became India’s largest trading partner. The two countries thus settled several commercial disputes on Thursday.

The American group Micron, heavyweight in the manufacture of these essential computer components, has announced an investment of more than 800 million dollars in a factory in India. For both countries, it is a question of strengthening their national industries and diversifying supply chains, which the Covid-19 pandemic has shown how fragile they can be.

In addition, the two countries intend to launch a joint mission next year to the international space station, while India joins the “Artemis agreements”, a multilateral framework set at the initiative of the United States to avoid conflicts in space conquest and exploration.

The United States is not alone in courting India. Narendra Modi will be the guest of honor at the French National Day military parade in Paris on July 14.