During the last two months, in Spain five programs have spent the average of 1.5 million viewers: Pasapalabra, your face sounds, Got Talent, the roulette of luck and unfaithful, the Turkish Teleerie that Antena 3 emits on Sundays and
May last November reached a historic number: 1.8 million viewers who became 3.3 million in its most viewed minute.
And it is that production -ounted by 2020 by Kanal D- is very attractive to the Spanish public.
The reason?
It has romance, tension, mystery and revenge … and all those elements go through a single person: the actress tsu dere (41), the star of the Ottoman television that a few days ago traveled to Madrid to be awarded by the Chamber of Commerce
and Hispanic-Turkish industry.

“I’m fascinated with this country, Madrid has seemed very beautiful, it shows that it is a city of art, I have eaten fantastically and people are very friendly and very nice, it shows that they like my work. Is it more, this is a
From the first few times I leave Turkey by my profession and I had never seen so much interest in me somewhere else, except in Morocco, “said the actress, exclusively, to the other chronicle.
And it is that Cansu [prononciese Jansu] is not only famous for unfaithful, but also by Mother, Sila and Ezel teleseries, who have also been issued, with great success, in Spain.
“I know our cultures are very different, but I also know that you understand our series because our scripts are universal, the stories are so well done that they can touch the whole world,” she says.

And when Cansu refers to “the whole world”, he really points to “everyone”.
Because according to official figures, Ezel has been issued in 31 countries, while SILA has been seen in more than 15. Despite this, fame is not something that scores a dere.
On the contrary, she says she is accustomed to success because she has been living with him for 23 years.
“It does not overwhelm me to be recognized in so many countries and so many places, because I have this fame and this rhythm of life since 18 years old, so, however, it is, I already have it more or less controlled. I can tolerate it. Although it is not
That happens to me nothing strange. It is true that things happen to me that I do not expect, but my day to day is not uncontrollable, “he explains.
But, how did the interpreter come to become one of Turkey’s most famous actresses?

Cansu Dere was born in October 1980, in Ankara.
He had a quiet childhood, a common adolescence and when he finished school, he was interested in studying archeology at the University of Istanbul.
However, the fate of it had prepared a detour: the opportunity to enter a beauty contest and be about to win it.
In the year 2000, she dere participated in Miss Turkey and was chosen as a finalist.
And, although she did not get the crown, the organization decided that she was the representative of Turkey for Miss Universe.
A contest to which she finally did not come, as a result of various political problems between Turkey and Cyprus, the headquarters of the contest.
However, luck was on her side and soon she dere began to be requested as a model … until someone offered him to present himself to a casting for actors.

“After participating in a beauty contest, I started receiving film and television offers, and it’s true that I did not know if I could act, but I did not hesitate to accept those projects, because when you’re 18 or 20 years old you’re bramer.
I gathered the value and I accepted them. But I did not accept them for accepting it, but because it seemed to me that they were good projects. I have participated in precious teleseries … and today my challenge is to continue involving me in beautiful scripts and add more stones to the path of me
Trajectory, “he confesses.

Although, at the moment, Dere is not encouraged to bet 100% for the possible internationalization of his career.
“No, I have not thought about Hollywoood. But I think the good thing about my work is that I can tell my stories anywhere in the world … so, at some point, I would like to try in Spain,” he says.

Even so, Cansu is aware that if he worked in Spain he would be exposed to another type of projects.
Some other controversial and tone uploads.
Something that does not happen in Turkey because the Supreme Radio and Television Council censures certain scenes.
Above all, sexual.
In spite of this, the teleseries do dare to treat intense situations, such as disloyalty, the engine of the feat of unfaithful, in which Cansu plays Asya, a woman betrayed by the love of her life.
A situation that the actress lived in her own meats in 2013, when her couple of her -The actor CEM YLMAZ- was unfaithful with one of her friends, the well-known Ahu Yagtu.
According to the Ottoman media, Cansu was desolate after the discovery.
But that is already a thing of the past, because today Dere wants to help convince other women that there is no infidelity that I manage to destroy you.

“If there is something I have learned from unfaithful, it is not trusting anyone, it is something I already knew, but Asya has reminded me. On the other hand, I think the teleserie teaches that all women, sadly, have the possibility
If you suffer an infidelity … but Asya is a good example of how you should face that situation. For example, when these things happen, women have a tendency to blame ourselves. And the fault is not in women … Also …
, Asya seems a great example of a strong woman. It is the demonstration that if a woman works and owns her own money you can fight any difficulty that may happen in her life. And that seems to me that it is a very important message for
The women and girls who see the teleserie: that if they have a career they will have power in society, “he says with a powerful feminist discourse.

However, Dere does not risk talking about feminism with all his lyrics.
The discretion and shyness of him earn him.
Although he assures that she is not as recatted as she seems.
At least, “inside”.
“May seem a little calm, but I have a personality that explodes with my characters, I usually do not be fury, but it is transmitted in the characters in which it is necessary. In my day to day I can feel ashamed to express
What I feel, but when I have to play Asya, it takes all that modesty, because she is a scoundrel. For example, she goes through a thousand complicated situations and I know that if those things passed me, I would not be so daring, “he reveals.

Despite this, he declares that he has a gift that none of his characters has: “A great capacity for adaptation and I think that can be a talent, do not you think?”