There is no doubt that Tamara falcó and Íñigo Onieva are the couple of the moment.
So you could start any popular video of any of the television spaces dedicated to the heart and, in reality, it would be pointing directly to the truth.
The couple does not stop adding projects well separately or in common, which makes them the center of attention.

To Tamara all the audience knows her since she was a girl.
The media presence of her follows the same line and she has joined her boyfriend.
Íñigo Onieva was a complete stranger for the means until as a result of him with the marquis of Griñón he has jumped to the first line.
Just a few weeks ago that together they celebrated the 40th birthday of Tamara at a great party organized by Telva magazine.
Íñigo left the protagonism to the radiant girlfriend of him but his presence stood out among the guests.
He danced a lot and had fun with Tamara and caught all eyes thanks to his great gift from people and to the sympathy of her.

That is why he does not strain his presence in a project that bases his success in the ability to be good public relations.
It is the start-up of Lula Club, who is postulated as the new fashionable place to enjoy the night of Madrid.
So far, the known passion of Tamara’s boyfriend were cars.
Onieva graduated in technical engineering in industrial design and had two masters related to the automotive sector.
She went through the signature Seat and also launched a computer business with her’s brother Jaime of her.
However, for a few months, the professional ambitions of it have gone by other defeats.
The restoration has been one of the objectives of it and therefore she joined the project of the Private Investment Company of Rafa Nadal, Abel Matutes Prats and Manuel Campos Guallar, which manages, for example, Tatel.

Got this goal, now it focuses its efforts on Lula Club.
The disco collected last Thursday December 10 to the Influencers and Jet Setters of the moment.
Tamara went directly from El Anthill and looked at a sequined dress that she combined perfectly with her boyfriend’s jacket, also sequins.
Even in the looks are competenced.

The party also attended Samantha Vallejo-Nagera, Gala González, Madame de la Rosa, Manuel Ordovás, Rossy de Palma … no one wanted to miss the presentation of the new fashionable room.
Lula Club is in full Gran Vía, at number 54. The choice of address is not due to random since the new disco intends to be inspired by one of the historic temples of music: Studio 54. Waiting to check success
From the new local Madrid, the reality is that Íñigo has gone from being an anonymous face to a successful businessman.