The former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont was arrested on Thursday night on the island of Sardinia after a judge in that country has attended the Spanish Euroorden freed by the Supreme Court about the illegal referendum of October 1

The former President, who had traveled to Italy to attend the Adifolk International Meeting, has been transferred to Bancali’s prison and passes this Friday at the disposal of Italian justice.
We tell you a minute to minute the repercussion of this detention, which has already unleashed a wave of protests in independence.

The process for its delivery could be delayed three months.
Italian justice must initiate all processing to determine if it must comply with the Supreme Court order on former Catalan President, who has met this morning with his Italian lawyer in prison and is waiting for the Court of Appeal to
Cite to declare.
In this way, he delays the appearance of him.
Puigdemont’s lawyers will present cauting measures to get immunity.

The Former Expervisor of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont is waiting for the hearing to be set to declare before the Sardinian Appeal Court that he must decide on his extradition to Spain, according to the Pertalist Attorney Agostino Marras who assists him in Sardinia after his arrest
Last night when it reached the island to participate in a folklore festival.

“It is not yet known when it will be the validation audience, which could be at the last minute of today or as tomorrow, depending on when the documents that the judges and I should consult,” said Marras itself to the
Press at the doors of the Sassari Court of Appeal.

The Council for the Republic and the ANC summon a “unitary” manifestation on Sunday at 12 noon in Barcelona.
The message, has pointed out, is that of the “no surrender” of Proctors and “not to negotiation with the Spanish State,” Iñaki Ellakuría reports.

The President of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament, Adrián Vázquez, has claimed this Friday “prudence” before the detention of the Expresident of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont in Sardinia (Italy) and has asked to “wait for a sentence and trusting in

In statements to EFE, the citizen deputy has urged “not speculate” and “draw conclusions” because it is “a very sensitive judicial case”, and recalled that the independences have already committed “the mistake of singing victory” in June
This year when European justice temporarily suspended the withdrawal of Puigdemont’s immunity to re-activate it just two months later.

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, hopes that the former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont is judged, after his detention, and that this trial is “soon”.

“Just say that I hope it is judged, that I wish it is judged and that it is soon,” the President of the Regional Government asked by the detention of the Catalan Exdirigente in an act where he has received the distinction of Marathonian of Honor of the Sports Association
Madrid popular marathon, reports Juanma Lamet.

The Vice President of Junts, Elsa Artadi, has reproached this Friday to the Government the detention of the Majoritat Carles Puigdemont in Sardinia (Italy) by the Italian authorities and has asked them to decide if “they have lied” or are the magistrates of the Supreme Court
Those who are “collaking” and are doing politics “again”.

This has been expressed Artadi in an interview in TVE picked by the declarations of the Minister of Science, Diana Morant, in Radio Nacional on the detention of Puigdemont, in which he has pointed out that the Government will respect the judicial decisions and that the
Aspresident Catalan “will answer the same” that another European citizen would.

“It is not about respecting judicial decisions and make empty arguments as always make the separation of powers we all know it is a lie,” he has replicated.
For Artadi, the Government must be positioned urgently more than the communiqué “anodyne” that the central executive did when the detention of the Catalan and Leader of JUNTS.

The Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) convens concentrations of support for Carles Puigdemont against all Catalan municipalities at 8:00 p.m.
The Catalan National Assembly (ANC) has convened mobilizations on Sunday in the center of Barcelona.

The Deputy Secretary of Communication from the PP, Pablo Montesinos, has highlighted the “good news” that supposes the detention of the Generalitat of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont and has asked to apply “effectively” the Euroorden “before the crimes of rebellion and sedition
To be judged as soon as possible in the courts of the national territory. ”

“The detention of the fugitive is good news for all and that as soon as possible, respond to Spanish justice,” has asked for the PP leader, who has an aforementioned press conference in Malaga than in the European Union “does not fit
Impunity for those who hit the legality, which was what he did. ”

In addition, the PP has been thrown away from irony to rule on social networks on Puigdemont’s arrest.
‘Los Popular’ have recovered a tuit published in March 2009 by the President in which he said “Cap home, that he touches” (home he already touches) and they have responded with a wink emoticon.

The President of Citizens, Array, has asked the Government not to interfere in the judicial process after the arrest in Sardinia of the Majoritat’s Expresident, Carles Pigdemont, and that, if finally he is judged in Spain, he does not indulte him “as he has done
with the others”.
In an interview in ‘tve’ this Friday, the leader of the ‘orange’ training has also asked for “prudence” because still “there is a legal tour” and you have to know “how it acts Italian justice”, although she expects that Puigdemont
Be judged in Spain.
“I as a Democrat, I hope that the laws that He has violated in Spain are judged in Spain. He is a fugitive of justice,” she said.

For his part, the president of the Government of Aragon, Javier Lamban, has expressed his “great joy” for the detention and has trusted that he finished judge and in jail.
When answering a CS question in the plenary session of the courts, Javier Lamban has said that “no one is hidden to have difficulties so that, in the end, let’s see in jail and sitting on the bench” Al “alleged delinquent
Lamban has relied on that “this is happily resolved with the presence of this Lord in jail and in the trial that he necessarily has to be submitted.”

“It was the table, outside the table,” shouted the congregated protesters against the Italian consulate of Barcelona by the ANC.
The rejection of negotiation with the government is increased, after having already focused and the manifestation of the diada.

Independent leaders such as Laura Borràs or Jordi Turull have regretted that they have not been able to reach the door by the strong police device carried out by the Mossos d’Esquadra.
Even the President of the Parlament stressed that some agents had threatened to identify some of the first people who arrived at the headquarters and that were removed to establish a security perimeter.
The Department of Interior assured that the protocol was established that guarantees the security of the consular body as agreed with the Department of Acció Exterior.

The President of the Parlament, Laura Borràs, has demanded “stop hostilities if you want a dialogue table.”
“There should be a process of goodwill, which is what happens in the negotiation processes in which real peace is sought,” said Junts’ leader after attending the protest concentration against Puigdemont’s arrest.
Less than a thousand people manifest themselves at this time against the Italian consulate in Barcelona, according to Víctor Mondelo.

The European Peripplo of Carles Puigdemont, which is already lengthened almost four years, has been pending what itself resolves in the coming days of Italian justice and the actions that may exercise the former president of the Generalitat before the General Court of the European Union
To guarantee immunity.
Italian is the third European justice that Carles Puigdemont will have to face since October 29, 2017, a month after the illegal referendum he had promoted, he left Spain secretly.
This is the judicial tour of the former President, by Manuel Marraco.

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has suspended the agenda he was scheduled for this Friday, in order to meet with Consellers of his Government at noon and maintain contacts with the Expident Carles Puigdemont team.

Aragonès reacts after his vice president, Jordi Puigneró, also called all Junts’ counselors, in what was interpreted as a unilateral movement of the Puigdemont Party to destabilize Government and compromise negotiation with the Government, according to reports
Víctor Mondelo.
President Catalan will appear before the media this morning, as reported by the Generalitat.
The bulk of the Governian Consellers have also suspended their schedule scheduled for this Friday, according to Sources of the Generalitat.

Before the Sassari Court of Appeal, several Sardinian and Catalan Independents have been concentrated to protest from the detention of Puigdemont, which continues in prison.
Some of the Catalan demonstrators are those who moved by boat last night to Corsica to participate in an international meeting organized by the Adifolk Association, as well as the former president who also planned other meetings with independence parties of the island.
Precisely the detention of Puigdemont surprised during the trip to the Catalans who attended Alger.
Sources of the defender of the former president indicate that at the last minute of the morning the appearance of him will be decided.

The government reiterates that “any person, any citizen, therefore also Mr. Puigdemont” must be “always at the disposal of the courts, no one can avoid the action of justice,” said Defense Minister, Margarita Robles.

In the government, however, there is prudence, they know that key judicial pronouncements of Italy, Spain and Europe are ahead, which will determine if extradition is feasible or not.
“It is a procedure that is in the hands of the courts. The position of the government is the maximum respect for judicial decisions,” Robles were reflected in TVE, according to Raúl Piña.

The first Viceehendakari and security counselor of the Basque Government, Josu Erkoreka, has underlined that the detention of the expressive of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont in Sardinia is one of the consequences of “judicializing a political problem”.
In the judgment of him, this “is not the right path” because “political problems require political solutions.”

In this sense, he has highlighted that “what Catalonia needs is dialogue” and that, “logically”, the detention of the expressive “will not have good consequences” for the dialogue table launched by the Spanish and Catalan governments.

Also from the Basque Country, but in a contrary position, PPRA President Basque, Carlos Iturgaiz, has expressed his satisfaction with the arrest of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, although he predicted that the Government “will seek to induce him or amnstiate him.”

The ERC partner in the Government has taken advantage of the detention of the former president at the Alger airport to charge against the government by the dialogue.
Puigneró said that “we were skeptical with the dialogue table and time has given us the reason.”
His leader Jordi Sànchez burned the MONCLOA statement at dawn as it does “jumping the alarms, so do not open a way of dialogue” and added that they did not expect from the Spanish executive but from the Supreme Court since “it is the most
Extreme of revenge against independence “.

The Vice President of the Generalitat, Jordi Puigneró, has summoned all the JXCAT Consellers at the Government headquarters to analyze this detention and fix a joint position.
In addition, he will meet with President Pere Aragonès who is in contact with the union-scrolled action counter than Alger.
Undoubtedly the antagonistic situation of the two parties before the dialogue table and the new agitation of the streets with the arrest of Puigdemont will mark the relations of the parties

It is expected that the view where the judges of the Sasser Court of Appeal (Sardinia) will decide whether to access or not to deliver Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont to the Supreme Court is held this Saturday or next Monday, indicates sources of his defense, reports
Angela Martialay.

Some thousand people convened by the ANC protest at first time before the Italian consulate in Barcelona for the detention of Carles Puigdemont, a mobilization that has caused cuts on the diagonal.
They scream, ‘nor forgetfulness or forgiveness,’ Liberty Puigdemont ‘.
Since it could not be otherwise, there is a strong representation of JXCAT members as the leader of this training, Jordi Sànchez, as the President of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, former Conseller Jordi Turull or the VicePresident Jordi Puigneró.
There are also representatives of ERC, such as Vice President of Parlament, Alba Vergés, or Republican Deputy Jenn Diaz, as well as representatives of independence entities such as President d’òmnium, Jordi Cuixart.
There is a strong police device to prevent incidents.
A Sardinia has also been representatives of ERC and EUROPDIPUITED independence.

Puigdemont’s lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, has said that they will ask for cautionary to the General Court of the European Union (TGue) to stop the arrest.
He does not contemplate extradition since he says that the Order was not given to the Italian authorities.
In Declarations to RAC1 he said that the TGue considered the Euroorden suspended against the former president and opened the door to precautionally restore immunity in case of detention.
Boye believes that the European Court should respond in 72 hours.