Central Government, Prosecutor’s Office, Regional Governor of Lima and the Municipality of Ventanilla have advanced in recent hours with its investigations and complaints against Repsol, after the environmental disaster caused by the flight of almost one million liters of crude oil on the Lima coast of the past
January 15

“We are going to be inflexible and act with a hard-hand,” said Rubén Ramírez, Peruvian Minister of the Environment, who revealed that economic fines can be closer to 32 million euros and, which would be even worse for the Spanish multinational, paralyzing
of its activity in Peru.

The Government of Pedro Castillo had announced sanctions against those responsible for the first spill, to which the Nation Prosecutor’s Office threatens up to seven years in prison.
At least four repsol directives indicated, who are accused of alleged pollution crime commission in their aggravated type.
“They have the status of investigated and will be notified to submit their allegations to the Public Prosecutor’s Office,” Procurator Julio César Guzmán said.

The Peruvian government calculates that oil has invaded 21 beaches from the coast over more than 40 kilometers, more than 900 hectares between sea surface and sand.
Hundreds of fishermen have lost their work and birds and fish, life.
Photographs of animals, “painted” black by fuel, have moved public opinion from the Andean country from the first day.

“Ecological damage in our coast is inadmissible. Since the State, criminal, civil and administrative actions have been arranged in order to precautionary sovereignty and well-being of the country,” said Castillo, whose administration tried to get on the wave of national rejection against
Repsol committed by the lack of popularity of its president.
Subsequently, criticisms have spread even to government action to alleviate the catastrophic damage caused by the discharge.
The complaints also includes the alleged lack of aid for affected fishermen.

“The ecosystem will take many years to recover,” he insisted yesterday the Ministry of the Environment.
Local media have supplied abundant evidence that cleaning equipment has not yet reached all affected areas.

The declarations of the Minister of the Environment occurred hours after the General Directorate of Captainías and Coast Guard alert the country on a possible second flight, discovered during an inspection flight of the affected area during the first spill.

“It’s a relatively small, controlled spill, controlled by the barrier. It is being verified on the coasts of the vicinity to verify that it has not arrived,” Certified Jesús Menacho, head of the General Staff of the Navy Coast Guard.

On the other hand, Repsol denied that it was a second escape and specified that it is a “controlled outcrop of remnants” of the first spill and that is under control.

Beyond the incidence of this second “oily spot” in the vicinity of the pampilla refinery, the different administrations discuss how to compensate the country after the environmental disaster, one of the elders of its history.
“We demand the immediate suspension of all the activities carried out in the pampilla refinery, while the pertinent bodies develop an exhaustive supervision of each of its facilities and equipment with which this plant has,” said the Municipality of Ventanilla, the most
Affected by contamination.
His mayor, Pedro Spadaro, also said that he will impose an administrative fine to Repsol, as well as expanding the criminal denunciation “against officials responsible for the alleged crimes against the environment, life, body, health and damage caused to the coast of our district

Critics not only affect Repsol;
The management of the central government is also a look with a magnifying glass for citizenship and environmental organizations.
Hundreds of operators work in a career counterreloj to clean the 6,000 barrels of oil sprinkled in the window during a downloading operation from an Italian ship.
Repsol attributes the accident to the strong swell caused by volcanic eruption in Tonga.

“There has been a seemingly undue maneuver, having allowed the leakage of oily material that has contaminated our seas,” Minister Ramírez ratified last night.