TikTok is heaven for tips and tricks of all kinds, no matter how crazy, even dangerous, they may be. This time, the social network sees a new trend: the application of castor oil in the eyes. It would be a “miracle recipe”. Already accumulating several million views, the trend is promoted by influencers who claim that its ocular application improves sight or even treats ocular pathologies.
Testimonials flow. An influencer with just under 300,000 followers claims that after she started applying the oil frequently to her eyelids, she didn’t need to wear her glasses as often as before. Another claims that after developing a severe eye infection, brushing the infected area with oil stopped the affected area from developing. Others still claim that castor oil – a vegetable oil obtained from castor beans – can correct cataracts, treat dry eyes or even cure glaucoma.
In short, to read these testimonials, castor oil cures all ailments, even the most virulent. This oil is already a must among grandmother’s remedies, acclaimed for its laxative, moisturizing, hair growth, etc. properties.
Faced with this surge, ophthalmologists warn that this practice has no scientific basis and that castor oil does not cure problems related to the cornea or the retina and can, on the contrary, aggravate them or lead to partial loss, even total, of sight, irreversible.
In some cases, it can be used for the eyes, but these are special formats for application by drops and issued under prescriptions. However, influencers only rely on the mention “castor oil” on the packaging, without checking for what application it is intended. It is this misuse that can lead to complications, as some versions may contain perfumes or other products that are toxic to the eyeball.
“Castor oil is not a panacea, if you have any problems or doubts related to your eyes, you must see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible,” recommended NBC spokesperson Dr. Ashley Brissette. from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.