The mother of Isabel Pantoja, entered in a hospital of CádizEl “child trauma” of Chabelita with Isabel PantojaIsabel Pantoja, check the brake Kiko Rivera in his war with Chabelita

Dona Ana (88 years old), the mother of Isabel Pantoja (63), is the person who more binds him to Spain and the only reason that never came to move to the other side of the Atlantic.

Now the renowned vocalist has a new concern which will occupy all his time, his mother had to enter the last Wednesday of urgency in the hospital Puerto Real (Cádiz). The singer, who was in Madrid, has had to travel by train to Andalucia to accompany his mother in these hard times. The only thing that is known so far is that doña Ana will be transferred in the next few hours at one of the hospitals of Seville, thanks to which it is stable.

This is not the first time that the health of doña Ana gives him a fright to his daughter. The mother of Isabel Pantoja is suffering from a degenerative disease and when the renowned vocalist was participating in the “Survivors” also had to be entered .

War family

Now, the singer will have to focus on your mother and leave behind the discussions with his daughter Chabelita, now known as Isa P., which has started a war against his family. The ups and downs in the relationship with his mother, then with his brother, with their partners, and even alleged threats by the backs have been the protagonists of the life of the young. But what lived in the last days is being unheard.

This evening in “Save me” have commented on the situation of doña Ana and has left the issue of his granddaughter more confictiva. “The family has not advised”, has announced Kiko Hernández . The reporter sent to Cadiz, Jose Antonio , has said that there is a lot of hermeticism and therefore it is difficult to get information: “The prognosis is guarded and the hospital did not say anything because they want to preserve the privacy of its patients.” With respect to members of their families, has announced that “Isa P. is in San Fernando, up stories ridiculous with Asraf and Kiko Rivera and Irene Rosales are in Seville, and they have been told to stay there.” “This girl has a very serious problem with your family,” he added Kiko Hernández.

in Addition, the presenter of the Carlota Corredera has announced that the illness of doña Ana adds that she has died the mother of one of the best friends of Elizabeth, Paqui , that has taken care of numerous times of dona Ana.
