“Muchs we believed the dream of the Benidorm festival,” I shot with bullet yesterday Rigoberta Bandini in the middle of a Eurovisive storm that did not live for years, summarizing the entrance of the Benidorm Fest: the audience had some favorites; the jury.
Professional, another; won the favorite proposal of the second: a show created former profeso for Eurovision with an artist manufactured for the contest and backed by all the gear of the musical industry. An ad hoc diva, to understand us, compared to two proposals for
Author with high dose of transgression. The commercial vs. The independent, but is a purely eurovish product a good guarantee for the international contest?

In Spain, at the moment, the controversy has not been in Pataleta tuitera.
At the pressure of the Popular Cabreo, another slab on RTVE was added yesterday: the ccoco union denounces “irregularities” in the victory of Chanel, and requires “urgent” explanations and “make public voting minutes”.
«The choice of the song that will represent Spain at the Eurovision Festival should be left without effect,” said a statement that joined the parliamentary offensive undertook by Galicia in common, we can make the subject in the region, which requires the subject.
The RTVE Commission at Congress to bring light to “the lack of transparency of the contest”.

It was not the only political message about it.
The deputy of ERC Gabriel Rufián took advantage of the noise of salables for steering on Twitter: “CS asking for in the next elections to vote as in the Benidorm Fest.”
The United Spokesman can in Congress Pablo Echenique either did not let the occasion escape, and compared the jury with “the General Council of the Judicial Power”.

In the absence of knowing if there was or does not treat the winner or not, the analysis focuses on the suitability of the proposal headed by Chanel, a Latin pop show to the purest Jennifer Lopez style with an exuberant diva in front and a choreography no
Fit for left feet.
The Eurovisive product was clear from the candidacy itself.

The song was presented directly, with the support of the multinational BMG, the authors: at the team’s controls of five composers Leroy Sánchez, old-known Eurovision who, without going further, signed the I’m going to stay with Blas sang who represented
Spain without great success last year and had another proposal in Benidorm: Make You Say, the song that Sara Deop played with a formula similar to that of Chanel.
Next to him, an international team formed by Dutch DJ Arjen Thonen, Brazilian singer Ibere Fortes, composer and English producer Keith Harris, who has worked with The Black Eyed Peas, Mariah Carey or Christina Aguilera, and the Canadian singer Maggie Szabo

We were almost at the doors to throw the towel and Chanel arrived.
It was the last piece of the puzzle

Slomo was born from a zoom in full confinement, and once pre-selected by TVE, he was looking for a voice and a face.
“We were almost at the gates of throwing the towel and Chanel arrived, I heard her voice and detected those inflections, a super warm tone but at the same time very sexy and very close.
It was the last piece of the puzzle, “says Leroy Sánchez, who attends the last calls before returning to Los Angeles, where he resides.
The team was added a choreographer, Kyle Hanagami, who has danced Britney Spears or, indeed, to Jlo, and a costume work by Carmen Farala, winner of the first edition of Drag Race Spain.

“Here it has been stationed for studying what Europe expects from us,” explains José García Hernández, Alias Luka, one of the three directors of the Spanish Bible of the Eurovan Eurovision-spain.com, “Mediterranean Latin rhythms with an explosive diva.
that dances and sings ».
Other countries have taken advantage of this concept, recalls him: “Cyprus did it with Eleni Foureira in 2018 and repeated Formula with Tamta in 2019. The first time, it was second and the second did not happen to the tenth position.
They are formulas and a few views ».

RTVE has wanted to bet on a more conservative formula that can work well, instead of by songs with a message that may arouse controversial

«It is an incredible proposal in Europe, especially on the part of Spain, a long time ago that many people expected this from us,” says Sánchez, “there is no artist who has done what Chanel did in Benidorm Fest, who has been.
Broken like her ».
Regarding those who criticize the conservative of the proposal, she responds: “When we talk about styles, in all the proposals we have heard the wheel was already invented, the key is in the way it is presented.
Spain has its point of view and we have to translate into the stage: there will be Rock and Folk proposals from any country, that has already been done.
It is impossible to send something that has never been commanded. ”

The Eurofans, however, disagree, and see in the Sangunder Feminism of Rigoberta Bandini or in the sublimation of the Galician Tanxugueiras that something that has missed us in the last appointments with the Festival of the European Song.
«RTVE has wanted to bet on a more conservative formula that can work well, instead of by songs with a message that may arouse controversy,” Alega Luka, “Chanel is an artificial product created for Eurovision.”
Although a good result for Catalana, he would have bet on something “more risky”: “In Eurovision, we must seek to differentiate, that the spectator does not forget about us,” he explains.

The goal of the Creator team of the Chanel phenomenon is more than clear: “Create a staging that leaves Europe with your mouth open and be over».
Despite the controversy raised internally, the international feedback has been good, says Leroy Sánchez.
“We are well aimed.”