It was scheduled for a long time, but no longer sticks with the agenda of the French. Charles III’s visit could be disrupted by social anger over the pension reform. Trade unionists have already warned: the arrival of the British sovereign is “in their sights”. “We will continue to mobilize (against the reform) and this visit will be in our sights”, warned Mathieu Obry, of the General Confederation of Labor, and Yvan Fort, of Force Ouvrière, in the daily Sud-Ouest, this week. .

“It is almost certain that the king will not be able to take the tram” in Bordeaux as he planned, also anticipated Pascal Mesgueni, delegate of the French Confederation of Christian Workers (CFTC) at the Transports Bordeaux Métropole (TBM) management.

Emmanuel Macron “is certainly more comfortable with the monarchs than with the elected representatives of the people to whom he denies the right to vote on his pension reform”, tackled Ian Brossat, spokesperson for the PCF, after the adoption at the forceps of this text via the constitutional weapon of 49.3.

Socialist Senator Rémi Cardon, for his part, laconically observed that “there will be no walkabout” from Charles III and Emmanuel Macron. On the far left, the spokesman of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), Olivier Besancenot, hilariously summed up on France Info: Charles III, “we’re going to welcome him with a good old general strike”!

In the process, Gérald Darmanin announced a total of 4,000 police and gendarmes mobilized for the visit of King Charles III. “We will be ready to welcome the British sovereign in excellent conditions,” assured the Minister of the Interior. He claimed that there were “no definite terrorist threats”.

Charles III makes his first state visit abroad as sovereign from March 26 to 29. In addition to a dinner organized at the Palace of Versailles, he will meditate at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris before addressing the Senate, a first for a British monarch. He will also go to Bordeaux where he must travel by tram. If the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nuñez said he was “very serene” on BFMTV before the trip, Buckingham Palace however keeps a worried eye on the demonstrations, reports the Daily Mail, which evokes additional logistical precautions.