This punishment was imposed after Chauvin broke his yearlong silence in order to express condolences to Floyd’s family and hope they have “some peace” over the Floyd killing. It is the longest ever handed down to a U.S. officer for the murder of a Black man.

Floyd’s family and others were disappointed that the sentence was not extended. The sentence was not extended to the required 30 years by prosecutors. With good behavior Chauvin, 45 could be released on parole after he has served two-thirds of his sentence or 15 years.

Nekima Levy, a Minneapolis protest leader, said that “just because it takes the longest doesn’t mean it is enough time.”

Judge Peter Cahill imposed the punishment beyond the 12-1/2-year sentence required by state guidelines. He cited “your abuses of a position trust and authority as well as the particular cruelty” that Floyd had shown.

Ben Crump, Floyd’s family attorney, said that the family has received “some measure” of accountability. However, the family is still hoping Chauvin receives the maximum sentence in his federal civil rights trial. Crump stated that this was the longest ever sentence a Minnesota police officer received.

He added that “Real justice” in America would be Black men and Black females, and people of color who won’t have to worry about being killed by police because of the color of the skin. This would be true justice.

A crowd of 50 people gathered outside the courthouse and held hands or put their arms on one another. People debated the length of the sentence and their reactions were subdued. Some people cursed in dismay.

George Floyd Square was the location where Floyd was pinned down to the pavement. Members of the crowd applauded and some said, “We’ll take that.”

Chauvin was quickly taken back to prison. When the judge handed down the sentence, Chauvin showed no emotion. His COVID-19 mask, which obscured much of his face, made his eyes move quickly around the courtroom.