The forest is in Need, and the reasons are obvious. Climate change is overwhelmed with his high-Tempo the adaptive capacity of many tree species. Heat and drought will put them strong, and both favored the spread of pests such as bark beetles, whose first victims of the Norway spruce is. The result: the bread tree of forestry adopted in a hardly possible speed out of the forest. For the forest Ecosystem that is a loss and for forestry in a medium-sized disaster.

What can cause the bark beetle, in Germany, it is sufficiently known, after him, in the Bavarian forest national Park were even 20 years ago, huge forest areas to be sacrificed. A whole land looked like a tree graveyard. “The bark beetle was the midwife of a new forest,” enthuses of some conservationists in retrospect. But that applies to state-owned nature conservation areas, on which eventually a kind of forest could be created. Not for the near-natural Hessian economic forest.

How big is the Plight of the private and municipal owners is present, is shown in the energetic reputation to the state. Like the farmers, the forest farmers want the kind of area bonus as a reward for their work. The Hessian forest owner may have been their desire to hang on to the drip of the state, with a recent study from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to underline, in the whole “ecosystem services” of the forest, so the species and biotope protection, protection against noise and Erosion, the production of drinking water and oxygen, to 350 euros per hectare and year prized. Services that it is unable to Finance the forest owner from the sale of timber.

Da 200 Euro per hectare and year is almost moderate sound, even if that would add up including the state forest 180 million euros in the year. Hard to imagine that the country will commit itself permanently, this sum of money to the forest owner to distribute to socialize without the payment to conditions. The forest owners should decide to move permanently, depending on the state Allocation, instead of relying on one-time crisis intervention. And the country should pay to the use of the renewable raw material wood is finally back in the spotlight, as a still more forests simply to shut down.