After several weeks of ambiguities and amazing, citizens take a defined position on Yolanda Díaz’s labor reform.
Branched Inés has been offered to the government to help with the votes of it to save the validation of the Royal Decree Law in Congress before “the real danger” that the text “worsen” in the negotiation with the separatist parties.

“We are going to work to stop the feet to separatism, who wants to get worse and throw the labor model, and for that we are going to make a common front but with the interests of the Spaniards, we are going to be responsible and demonstrate to the Spaniards that Sánchez goes
To have always someone to choose as an alternative to radical and separatist partners, “has argued the leader of citizens at a press conference.

In this way, citizens mark a own profile within the opposition block and absolutely distance themselves from PP and VOX, which have already said that they will vote against.
Likewise, the Liberal Party takes a conciliatory position with the entrepreneurs, who together with the unions and the Government, are part of the agreement that has illuminated the reform, and that, according to close, have “fear” to what they can agree Pedro Sánchez with
ERC or EH Bildu.

The leader of citizens did not want to reveal if the first contacts between their parliamentary group and the executive have already occurred, but it has made it clear that there is still no formal negotiation.
Array has affirmed that the only dialogue that Moncloa is having “really” today is “with the separatist matches”.

The nine votes of citizens in Congress would not suffice for themselves so that the Government will guarantee the vote on labor reform but would be an important step forward if, in parallel, the executive manages to add to other parties such as PNV.