Günther Jauch has been leading the RTL annual review “People, Pictures, Emotions” for 25 years. But in 2022 he will hand over the moderation of the show. He is succeeded by a duo: his old buddy Thomas Gottschalk – and ex-defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was once the shooting star of German politics. In 2009, at the age of 37, he became Federal Minister of Economics and shortly thereafter moved to the head of the Ministry of Defence. But a plagiarism scandal surrounding his dissertation ended all of the CSU politician’s political ambitions in 2011. He resigns and says goodbye to the political stage.

Over a decade later, zu Guttenberg is celebrating its comeback. But not in politics, but on TV. RTL announced back in June that the broadcaster was working with the ex-minister on two 90-minute docutainment programs for RTL. But that is not the only task that the now 50-year-old takes on as part of this cooperation.

Together with Thomas Gottschalk, zu Guttenberg will also form “a special duo for a special show”, RTL has now announced. So the two would lead together this year through the RTL annual review “People, Pictures, Emotions”. The broadcast is planned for December 11th at 8:15 p.m. on RTL (also available on RTL).

“Entertainment legend Gottschalk and the former Federal Minister zu Guttenberg stand for the wide range of topics covered by the show, from entertainment to society and world politics,” RTL explained its decision. “People, Pictures, Emotions” was first broadcast in 1996. Since then, the review has always been presented by Günther Jauch. However, he announced last year that he was giving up moderation after 25 years.

The first of the two docutainment productions that zu Guttenberg is working on for RTL deals with the power politics of Russian President Vladimir Putin and their background and consequences. It is said that Zu Guttenberg conducted numerous interviews with top-class interlocutors in countries such as the USA, Ukraine, England and Germany.