In the process the murder of the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke, it is on Monday at the higher regional court came to Frankfurt a clash between the criminal defense attorney Frank Hannig and his client, the main accused, Stephan E.,. E. s second defender sought, finally, in its name, to be relieved of Hannig from the mandate. “The damage is there,” said Mustafa Kaplan. “The relationship of trust permanently destroyed.”

Marlene Grunert

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Hannig had made at the beginning of the negotiations, several applications, of which especially the first one caused a stir. The Dresden criminal defense attorney picked up on a supposedly crooked shops Walter Lübckes, which may be indicative of a “very different motive ation” than previously thought. According to the office of the attorney General, the E. Walter Lübcke accused in the night of the 2. To June 2019 insidious and ulterior motives, murdered, was he “right-wing extremist hate”.

E. s defender Hannig called on the court now, a break-in to investigate that have taken place at the end of July 2019 the government Presidium in Kassel. “Several media reports” suggested that there files stolen had been, where there are references to “Connections” Lübckes to “wind power business” to his sons. Hannig also pointed to other witnesses who could also be on the scene of the crime, and hear were.

Whether this approach is aligned with his client, wanted to know the Chairman of the state protection Senate initially. As the criminal defense attorney replied in the negative, the replied Thomas Sagebiel: “you see me speechless, Mr. Hannig.” He doubt that the defendant was “well defended”. The judge has yet to hit more apparent, with the Hand on the table. Already craft the applications were “gequirlter nonsense,” none of them have any prospect of success. His “serious doubts”, he would need to bring in the context of the judicial duty of care to the expression.

Sagebiel added: “you Know actually, that you your clients? Should we determine the same for a right-wing terrorist Association?“ Not the “hint of a hint” give it to more Tatbeteiligte or the Hannig placed on the subjects. So also the representative of the Federal saw it on Monday advocacy. “This is a Poking in the fog”, said Dieter Killmer. He wondered if the two defenders are actually of the same opinion. You were not there.

Neither with him nor with e. the requests had been denied, said Kaplan. “We dissociate ourselves from you, specifically.” His client had no interest in the people Killed and his sons “is so pelted with Mud, without rhyme or reason.” If Hannig write that the family Lübcke is involved in “crooked business”, not like the accused.