Profession and friends have wanted to say goodbye to the tennis player Manolo Santana, deceased this Sunday at age 83.
The Twitter social network has been filled with messages from affection towards the pioneer and myth of Spanish tennis.

One of the first to remember Santana has been Rafa Nadal, who has dedicated two loving messages that has accompanied a photo of both.
“We will miss you, you will be always unique and special. A greeting to your family and a lot of strength at this time, we will never forget you!”, Mallorcan has written.

The Academy Rafa Nadal has also wanted to thank Santana all she did for Spanish tennis.

From the group of tennis fans in Marbella, where Santana resided, have also rendered a tribute to the tennis player, and they have expressed their condolences to the family in these hard moments.

The tennis player David Ferrer has remembered Santana as “someone special” who “was always the best”.

And Paula Badado has grateful “having opened the way for many afterwards we could see it.”

The journalist Pilar Eyre has remembered that his march occurs only six months after the death of his former wife Mila Ximénez after a year of cancer fighting.

The king’s house has also devoted a loving words for the tennis player.
“There are people who become a legend and make a country great. Manolo Santana has been and will always be one of them.”

From the political sphere they have also had words of affection for the tennis player.
The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has given his condolences to “the family of tennis player, his loved ones and the world of tennis”, for death, has said, of “one of the best athletes of our country.”

In the PSOE they have shown their recognition of tennis player, who have rated as “a legend of tennis and Spanish sport, that with their successes opened the way that many great tennis students from our country would go later.”

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, has reminded Santana as “a number one” that “will be a reference forever”, and that it was “a lover of Andalusia and Marbella.”

And the President of the Popular Party, Pablo Married, has assured that “leaves us a legend of the Spanish sport and one of the greatest tennis players in history,” and has given his condolence to the family and friends of Manolo Santana.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has assured that Madrid “already miss” the tennis player Manolo Santana, deceased this Saturday at 83, who has described as a “legend, a huge athlete and better person”

“A hug for his family. Manolo, Madrid already misses you,” he has moved the Ruber in his social networks next to an image next to Madrilean tennis player

From the Spanish Olympic Committee they have also wanted to show their recognition by tennis player: “Sport owes you a lot, Manolo”.

In Real Madrid they have also had words of affection for the one who has been one of his most famous fans.
In a statement, the club, its president and its board of directors lament the death of “one of the great legends of tennis and Spanish sport.”

“Real Madrid wants to express its condolences and affection and affected all their families and loved ones. Manolo Santana is one of the biggest tennis players of all time, as well as a passionate Real Madrid and faithful representative of our values throughout his career
. His Madridism took him to conquer Wimbledon in 1966 with the Real Madrid T-shirt, becoming the first Spanish tennis player who won this Grand Slam, “recalled the club.

Athletes like Pau Gasol have also joined the farewell with words of affection towards one of the references of Spanish sport.