The PNV has transferred to the PP its final decision not to participate in any parliamentary formation that includes Vox votes. This is how the Basque parliamentary spokesperson, Aitor Esteban, explained it to his PP counterpart, Cuca Gamarra, in the meeting that both held this Monday in Congress.

Esteban has insisted that this has been his party’s position from the beginning. “There is no room for an investiture” of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, he has stressed, thus ending the conversations with the popular parties on this issue. This position has also hardened following the decision of the PP to call next Sunday in Madrid a large act of rejection of a hypothetical amnesty law.

The Basque nationalist spokesperson has assured that his meeting with Gamarra has been courteous and in it they have talked about “many things”, although not about possible legislative programs or content, for just over an hour. However, at the meeting, according to Esteban, there was “no offer” from Gamarra in exchange for his five votes. He has also confirmed that on the 7th there was a meeting between the president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Esteban has pointed out that, although the PNV has already had a couple of meetings with the PSOE, no details have yet been put on the table that would allow us to say that there has been some kind of progress in the negotiation with a view to an attempt to investiture Pedro. Sanchez. He has also explained that, in his opinion, Felipe VI should have taken more time before designating the candidate for the investiture to prevent the time until the debate and vote in Congress from becoming “a little long.”

The spokesperson of the PP in the Chamber, Cuca Gamarra, has explained for her part that Feijóo’s intention involves a government alone, without Vox and, therefore, in a minority, with fifteen ministries and a legislative agenda of reforms with agreements of State to safeguard equality and promote the well-being of all Spaniards. Gamarra has also informed him that, if Feijóo’s project is accepted, the legislature could last two years.

Gamarra regretted that the PNV does not accept this agreement that “is good for citizens and not for political parties.” He has also rejected that there has been any type of formal contact between the PP and Junts.