The incidence by Coronavirus is still stabilized in Spain with respect to the rest of Europe, a continent qualified by the World Health Organization (OM) as the new epicenter of the pandemic, with a transmission triggered in countries as the United Kingdom (793) with 30,305
new daily contagues;
Russia (393) with 39,165;
Romania (679) above 5,000 new cases;
France (136) with more than 8,500;
or Germany (373) with 15,513 new infections.

Spain, to which WHO has requested to develop a “good practice” documents such as “example” of pandemic management “, chains five days followed by mild incidence climbs (almost seven points in five days) with a slight
Increase in hospital pressure both in plant and in the intensive care units, but both below risk thresholds.

Total figures: 5,032,056 cases of coronavirus confirmed with diagnostic test of active infection;
There have been 87,558 dead with positive test at November 8, 2021.

The incidence by Coronavirus is still stabilized in Spain with respect to the rest of Europe, a continent qualified by the World Health Organization (OM) as the new epicenter of the pandemic, with a transmission triggered in countries as the United Kingdom (793), Russia
(393), Romania (679), France (136) or Germany (373), reports EFE.

According to the Health Report, which includes European data, the United Kingdom has notified 30,305 new daily contagues and Germany 15,513, while Russia, Europe of Europe with greater transmission, have been accounted for 39,165.

In France, more than 8,500 and Romania have been reported above 5,000 new cases.

The incidence by Coronavirus in Spain chains and five days followed by mild climbs, from 51.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants on Wednesday until 58.5 of this Monday, with a slight increase in hospital pressure both in plant and in the
Intensive care units, but both below risk thresholds, inform EFE.

Basque Country and Navarra exceed 100 cases of incidence of Coronavirus.

Germany, with the highest Covid infection rate since the beginning of the pandemic

The Rate of infection by Coronavirus in Germany has reached its highest level since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the figures of public health on Monday, and doctors warned that they will have to postpone the programmed operations in the coming weeks to face
to the situation.

The Prime Minister of the Federated State of Bavaria, Markus Soeder, previously asked for a more determined performance before the new peak of the incidence rate, including that free tests, which reactivate the vaccination centers and the states and the
Federal Government coordinate its strategies.
Germany has suppressed the gratuity of the tests to encourage vaccination.

The oral antiviral pills of Merck & Co and Pfizer Inc / Biontech have been shown to significantly reduce the worst results of COVID-19 if they are taken sufficiently in advance, but doctors warn people who doubt vaccines that should not be confused
The benefits of treatments with the prevention offered by vaccines.

One of the main reasons not to trust the new pills, according to experts, is that antiviral drugs, which prevent the virus from replicating in the body, should be administered in a narrow margin of time at the beginning of the disease, since
The Covid-19 has different phases.

Dr. Peter Hotez, vaccine expert and professor of molecular virology and microbiology of the Faculty of Medicine of Baylor, said that getting a treatment early enough could be a challenge because the window in which the virus passes from the replication phase
The inflammatory phase is fluent, reports Reuters.